Hi all,
just downloaded the demo of Synplant 2 to try it out on my PC, running Ableton Live 11.3.11.
Every time I load a sample into the Genopatch section and hit "generate patch", i'll see the branches develop and then immediately my PC crashes and restarts. I'm going to try it on my M2 Macbook air too because I really like the idea of the plugin. Hopefully it's just a bug that they'll fix with an update.
Anyone else getting this issue on PC ?
system spec:
Ryzen 5950x CPU
Cranborne R8 interface
Hi Aseem,
Genopatch generation seems to be working fine in my Live 11.3 on Win laptop, however it Does require a lot of real-time CPU WHILE generating patch solutions for me as well, however it backs down upon completion and there has been no 'crash' for me. Good luck
My Windows 10 Home System:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
We actually solved Aseem's problem on Twitter/X yesterday. Short story: never overclock your CPUs guys and gals. 😉
I just started a thread with an idea here: https://soniccharge.com/forum/topic/2499-fr-add-cpu-cap-for-genopatch
I'm having this exact same issue - does anyone know how to resolve it? Windows 10, fully updated, Ableton 11.2
- Daniel Merrill wrote:
I'm having this exact same issue - does anyone know how to resolve it? Windows 10, fully updated, Ableton 11.2
Are you overclocking your CPU?
- EnochLight wrote:- Daniel Merrill wrote:Are you overclocking your CPU?
I'm having this exact same issue - does anyone know how to resolve it? Windows 10, fully updated, Ableton 11.2
Thanks for the response, not overclocking at all, and my specs are:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz 2.59 GHz
32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
Wondering if anyone has any solutions for this? I'm literally just unable to use the Genopatch function, it locks up not just Ableton but my entire pc, can't move the mouse, nothing - hard lock, can only restart. Appreciate any help as I'm beyond excited to get into this plugin, I've been waiting many, many years!
Couple of things you could try out.
Right-click Ableton Live and do "Set affinity". Then remove about half of your CPUs. (You have a 6 core 12 thread CPU correct?)
Unfortunately, we don't have a stand-alone version on Windows, but if you could try a different host, and see if you get the exact same result, it would be interesting. If you don't own any other host, a free one or a trial version works fine.
Try some free utility for stress-testing your CPU. Like HeavyLoad.zip(9.13MB, 189 downloads)
(Select CPU and Memory testing)
just an update,my pc is not overclocked my configuration:
INTEL CORE I9-13900K 5.8 GHZ LGA1700
when I use the Genopatch (100% cpu) or if I modify the synth parameters (osc, filter..) audio glitches are generated and the CPU jumps up.
It only crashes for me when I am also running COD MW2 and using the AI in Synplant! lol
Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce this problem on any of our PCs, and we need your help figuring out what causes system slowdowns (and even total freeze-ups) on some installations.
One theory I have is that it's due to thermal throttling and possibly even inadequate cooling. Perhaps someone with this problem could download https://openhardwaremonitor.org/ and have a look at the temperatures and CPU clock speeds when Genopatch is working?
This is a hard nut to crack, and I really want to find a good solution in the upcoming 2.0.1 update.
Another test that anyone with CPU-load troubles could do for me is to download this Genopatch configuration:
synplantGenopatchConfig.numbstrict.zip(0.87kB, 207 downloads)
Unzip it and place the .numbstrict file into C:\Program Files\Sonic Charge\Synplant Genopatch\
(replace the file with the same name that is already there). Restart Synplant and see if it makes any difference.
Thanks in advance.
Now works fine no glitch after replace a new config file.
- Cesare Marionetti wrote:
Now works fine no glitch after replace a new config file.
Interesting. Not an overheating problem for you then. It's not a perfect solution, though, because it is lowering the priority of Genopatch so much that any other process running could potentially grind it to a halt.
But in your case, it was never about the GUI freezing up, right?
in fact the gui has always worked for me, my problem was after the analysis was finished the asio started to have clicks.
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