resynthesizing drumbreaks is nice

Eine Alte Oma138 views3 posts
  • Eine Alte Oma

    I just streamed how I "recreated" a drumbreak with the genopatch feature by going one by one through a break's slices. the results are nothing like the original break, but still weirdly similiar. they are also unique in the way that i wouldn't do it like that with other methods of drum sampling or synthesis, yet produced useful results in its own way. i originally wanted to find out if this workflow can be used to get around copyright issues. I wouldn't say that was successful, because the break that emerges from it is too different to replace the original break. but I was being successful at coming up with a completely new type of break sound and workflow, which is cool

  • Fredrik Lidström

    1:15 🔥🔥🔥

    I also came across another video from you today with a really nice bass! Cool stuff.

  • Eine Alte Oma

    glad you like it :) i actually also made a video of how i made that break from the start. i didn't release it publicly because it's extremely long and in-depth and not very entertaining, since i didn't say a single word, but i still edited and uploaded it a little because i wasn't sure at first. anyway, if you're interested it's here, but it basically shows the same technique as in the stream, just with a different drumbreak:

    YouTube Video

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