Script idea: interpolate branches in velocity mode of Synplant 2

Manuel Senfft93 views3 posts
  • Manuel Senfft

    Hey there,

    before digging into the scripting, I wanted to ask straight ahead:

    Would it be possible to write a script, which would have e.g. two branches in velocity mode (lowest ">10" and highest ">127" for example) and fill all the branches in between by interpolating the two branch settings.

    Hopefully my idea is clear and understandable. :D

    Thanks for any input!

  • Michael // MSLD

    I thiiiiink I saw a script from Magnus that's designed to interpolate between branches in this way. He called it "tweening" like the term used in animation.

    … Ah, maybe it was in the beta forum. I'm not sure what beta testers are allowed to reveal, but there are features in the works that are definitely going to facilitate this process.

  • Manuel Senfft

    Oh you are right! Thanks for pointing that out. I found the respecting thread and tested the script. I guess this might be the feature I was talking about. Nice! ((=

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