patches not in alphabetical order (when there are numbers)

cool56 views6 posts
  • cool

    hello synplant, I am on windows and when I browse my patches from the vst they are in this order

    BS 1
    BS 10
    BS 11
    BS 12
    BS 2
    BS 3
    BS 9

    I find it a bit strange and it doesn't match the way of storing on Windows

    is this problem specific to windows?
    Am I the only one who finds this weird?

  • Joey Luck

    Works fine here on macOS. Not sure what is expected on Windows.
    But you could also name your presets like this?
    BS 01
    BS 09
    BS 10

  • cool

    thanks for your reply
    maybe I wasn't clear
    on the left, the order created by synplant (on click or when I browse with the arrows) and on the right the window browser with windows natural order (when I click on "Browse Patches..." or "Open Patch..."


    it seems that synplant interprets the order in a strange way
    is it the same on mac ?

    it's not very practical when I browse patches with the arrow
    it doesn't follow the evolution of my seed research

  • Fredrik Lidström

    Good observation, This is due to the fact that we sort alphabetically while Windows goes the extra mile and interpret numbers and sort that part numerically. We will keep this in mind for the future!

    As for now, Joey's work around will will work. ASCII is sorted in the order !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789 starting with space. So you could do this as well:

    BS  7
    BS  8
    BS  9
    BS 10
  • cool

    ok thanks
    I hadn't seen the zero
    good idea

  • Joey Luck

    - Fredrik Lidström wrote:
    Good observation, This is due to the fact that we sort alphabetically while Windows goes the extra mile and interpret numbers and sort that part numerically. We will keep this in mind for the future!

    Just FYI it does work for me on macOS without adding the zeros or spaces...

    Screen Shot 2023-12-22 at 3.35.04 PM.png

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