Attention Synplant 2 fans, we've got news for you.
Many of you are familiar with the scripting capabilities in Microtonic. Drawing from that, Synplant 2 offers similar scripting functions but also introduces something we call "mods." These are scripts that load automatically when Synplant starts to enhance the UI by adding or changing features.
Here's a quick rundown of the four mods that I have developed:
Adds a heart button to the patch display. Clicking it copies the patch to a "Favorite Patches" folder under your "user patches folder." Clicking it again unfavorites the patch and removes the copy. Right-click the button to select from your favorites.
A new menu item, available by right-clicking the plant, creates a spiral-shaped plant that gradually morphs the sound across all 12 branches. This feature is particularly useful for the "Velocity" and "Ranges Bulb Modes."
Adds useful tooltip hints to the "DNA Editor," providing a readout on what settings are actually used by the underlying synth.
The spiciest of them all. This mod unlocks a previously inaccessible feature in the sound engine that lets you copy sounds from different plants and graft them onto branches in a single plant. For example, you can use this mod to create a drum kit from different solutions in Genopatch or, with the "Layered Mode," to layer different patches in one plant. It also enables explicit morphing from the "seed sound" to another specific sound on one branch.
Mac: Official Synplant Mods.dmg(40.3kB, 2846 downloads)
Windows: Official Synplant, 1787 downloads)
After installation, the mods will load automatically the next time you open Synplant. To remove a mod, simply delete its ".js" file from the "Mods" folder within the "Scripts" folder (accessible via the "puzzle menu").
Important: mods require Synplant 2.0.1. If you haven't updated yet, please download and update your Synplant first.
Happy modding!
Feel free to share your experiences and any feedback on these mods. And I want to hear your grafted patches 😉
/ Magnus
So great! Thank you Magnus!
Awesome!! Thanks Magnus, excited to try these.
Oh wow!!! Thank you!!!
Thank You.
What would need to happen in order to get my drop down menu to look like your drop down menu in your video?
- Steven Frazier wrote:
What would need to happen in order to get my drop down menu to look like your drop down menu in your video?
Maybe you need to become a developer in Sonic Charge...
Thank you! Much love!
Graft Onto Branch is a massive update. It's good to see that updating the synth looks like an easy process for you with the Mod system, means that more new ideas might be blooming :)
I got the attached error.
@Tim Rowe: you are seeing this because you have an old version of the mod installed from our beta forum. Please choose "Open Scripts Folder" from the "puzzle" menu. Dive into "Mods" and remove the file called "Graft Patch Onto Branch.js".
Perfect. Thanks Magnus!
Oh yes! More goodness. Synplant 2 - The gift that keeps on giving!! :)
Very good functions indeed. I especially like Graft Onto Branch. Would it also be possible to add an additional ADSR to more easily manage the envelope?
I can´t download the zip file with Chrome. The message "Virus found" pops up. Does anyone else have this problem?
Edit: Its the MS Defender that prevents the download!
- r:r wrote:
I can´t download the zip file with Chrome. The message "Virus found" pops up. Does anyone else have this problem?
Edit: Its the MS Defender that prevents the download!
Strange. I have no problems downloading and running MS Defender (virus signature 1.411.52.0). It says the file is clean. I do get a couple of warnings (9/68) on VirusTotal because we use the NSIS install system.
- Fredrik Lidström wrote:- r:r wrote:Strange. I have no problems downloading and running MS Defender (virus signature 1.411.52.0). It says the file is clean. I do get a couple of warnings (9/68) on VirusTotal because we use the NSIS install system.
I can´t download the zip file with Chrome. The message "Virus found" pops up. Does anyone else have this problem?
Edit: Its the MS Defender that prevents the download!
Also got a warning with Bitdefender but only for the Windows zip file.
This is just great! I'm still amazed by this synth engine and still a lot to explore.
Many thanks for the update!
Cool! Thank you!
Sooo nice... this layering...Thanks!
Thanks for the update. Bitdefender reports a virus and doesn't allow me to download the patch for win. Any help with that?
Thanks for these!
Excellent Magnus and team, thank you!!!
I too am having issues with downloading the Windows version.
Bitdefender on my Windows computer won't allow me to download - I get the following:
This is probably a false positive.
When I was a developer I use to have to deal with this kind of thing from time to time.
You will need to use the link below to submit a report and send a data sample so that they can white flag the package.
Chrome won't allow the download at all.
A big THANK YOU for expanding the sound cosmos of this already versatile instrument and for providing it for free!
Thanks alot for the mods! Sonic Charge & Synplant 2 are the GOAT!
Wow...Now this was unExpected.. but an awsome treat ❣️
Love my Synplant even more now..
Big thank you Magnus
Big love🖤
Cool! Thank you!
Thanks a lot!
Wonderful additions :)
Intrigued what stuff still is hiding between your braincells regarding this wonderful software :)
Absolutely cool, and very useful!
Is there a trojan inside the script/download???
My security software detects this: Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FL.A!ml
- theSteven wrote:
I too am having issues with downloading the Windows version.
Bitdefender on my Windows computer won't allow me to download - I get the following:
with the warning
Clicking on 'More details' shows this...
This is probably a false positive.
When I was a developer I use to have to deal with this kind of thing from time to time.
You will need to use the link below to submit a report and send a data sample so that they can white flag the package.
No complaints from either Windows 11, Edge browser or Bit Defender.
I was able to download it and install it.
I'm a bit worried because I got some alerts on with the downloaded .zip file. I also cannot open it in Windows 10 because Defender sees it as a threat. Is there really no problem with this file?
I understand your concerns about the alerts. Rest assured, our workstations and build servers are equipped with antivirus protection to prevent any real known threats.
The antivirus industry is a $4.4 billion market. These companies are in constant competition to spot the next big threat, often using aggressive heuristic measures. Heuristic detection doesn’t identify a known virus but reacts to patterns resembling previous threats. As a software developer, I frequently see false positives, especially with the type of installer software we use, due to its actions like reading and writing registry settings and installing new binaries on your system.
What we did “wrong” this time was uploading a newly created installer to the forum too quickly. Typically, these false positives resolve themselves within a few days. A recheck on VirusTotal today would show you that most warnings have already disappeared.
If you believe in antivirus software and it makes you feel safe, I’d suggest waiting a few days, updating your antivirus software and signature files, and then re-running any tests.
Just dropping by to say the mods are awesome. The new ones are great as well, keep em coming :D More branch shenanigans are always welcome :)
the first ?? is for "ô" character
after user , the french phrase : "le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable" - the specified path is not founded...
The favorite feature was working great. Yesterday I faved a few preset and today can't open the fav when right clicking. I tried vst and au version, restarted Live and it's still the same.
Is there anything I can try?
Just saw the comment above me, so I went ahead and renamed 3 presets that had the "é" letter in the title and now it's working again!
Hmm I'm getting JScript compilation and runtime errors. Any ideas on this one, anyone?
- stelvio wrote:
Just saw the comment above me, so I went ahead and renamed 3 presets that had the "é" letter in the title and now it's working again!
Sorry. I have to admit that we have some major problems with Unicode (in all of our products, actually). But the good news is that I've already rewritten all string handling, and the next updates will address these problems.
Thank You !!!
there is other products with the same problem, ex : Life from XLN.
but they have resoling it.
Thanks a lot!
These are great general improvements Magnus!
Is there any reason why these should not be a part of the main install in the future? (when you feel confident they are well-tested etc)
- teadrinker wrote:
Thanks a lot!
These are great general improvements Magnus!
Is there any reason why these should not be a part of the main install in the future? (when you feel confident they are well-tested etc)
I can't say quite yet. We are looking at how they will fit our update roadmap. But yes, they are very likely to become part of the main product. Obviously, they are good extensions, but maybe we can make them even better. ;-)
- Magnus Lidström wrote:- teadrinker wrote:I can't say quite yet. We are looking at how they will fit our update roadmap. But yes, they are very likely to become part of the main product. Obviously, they are good extensions, but maybe we can make them even better. ;-)
Thanks a lot!
These are great general improvements Magnus!
Is there any reason why these should not be a part of the main install in the future? (when you feel confident they are well-tested etc)
I see :)
Makes sense!
Sorry. I have to admit that we have some major problems with Unicode (in all of our products, actually). But the good news is that I've already rewritten all string handling, and the next updates will address these problems.
No worries, it's no big deal to rename a few patches :)
Off topic but is there a reason why there are only 16 program change slots? (my apologies for asking about this once again) I'm wishful thinking Mods could help, or allow some sort of MIDI mappable up/down in the fav folder, for instance
Thanks again for the new update :)
Hello! I'm excited about the new script features, but right clicking rarely works to bring up the context menu with the new features. If I close Ableton and add Synplant to a blank set, it tends to work. However, if I add Synplant to a preexisting Ableton project where I actually want to use Synplant, right clicking the plant does not show the context menu. Any help would be appreciated!
I really love it! The only wish I have would be a "Lock tuning" button. So it never changes the tuning when morphing. Thank you!
Hey guys this isn't working for me.. I'm on latest Ableton 12, Ventura 13.3.1. .. i've downloaded the mods and i can find them when i click in the top right on the script folder. However, there's no heart next to preset as shown in video. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Hi! ive installed the scripts and they appear on my scripts folder but it seems to not be working too :( same operating system and daw as Marcus Andersson
Hey guys this isn't working for me.. I'm on latest Ableton 12, Ventura 13.3.1. .. i've downloaded the mods and i can find them when i click in the top right on the script folder. However, there's no heart next to preset as shown in video. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Thank you very much!
- Ingo Gabriel wrote:
I really love it! The only wish I have would be a "Lock tuning" button. So it never changes the tuning when morphing. Thank you!
yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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