Magnus Lidström1 385 views1 post
  • Magnus Lidström

    We are closing in on a hundred thousand views on the Synplant demonstration video! To celebrate this feat we have decided to give away a copy of Synplant to the first person sending us a screenshot of the video page, showing a view count of 100.000 or greater. Send the e-mail to ahundredk@soniccharge.com. Include your full name and country of residence, and do not forget to attach the screenshot.

    On another topic, you may be wondering about the status of the announced µTonic upgrade. It is coming along fine, but the beta has been delayed because of a major change in plans. We have decided not to release the smaller version 2.1 upgrade as we first intended but instead go directly to version 3.0.

    The good news is that despite of being a much bigger upgrade it will still be free and since we have been working hard all summer (who needs a tan anyhow?) it is nearly ready for beta. If you have signed up for testing you will receive an e-mail when we are ready for lift-off.

    Thank you for your patience.

    / Magnus & Fredrik

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