µTonic Re

Funkspace3 157 views5 posts
  • Funkspace

    any possibility of microtonic as a Reason Rack Extension?
    I'm planning to move over to reason (instead of Sonar with reason slaved to it), and I will certainly miss being able to directly access this plug in.

    Thanks for producing such wonderful products. Fan of Malestrom. Still a very solid creative synth. purchased microtonic V1 when I found it by complete chance. best percussion machne out there. totally balanced.

  • Funkspace

    i tried searching to see if this question has been asked in this forum before I posted this thread, but had no success. If anyone knows or has seen anything that sheds light on whether MicroTonic is likely to appear in Reason Rack extension form, then by all means post a comment or a link to the info/thread if possible ;)

  • Fredrik Lidström


    We currently do not have any plans on creating a Microtonic for Rack Extensions. The biggest reason for this is that we really would like a Microtonic RE to have the pattern engine and that is not possible with the current RE SDK. Removing the pattern engine would in my opinion be butchering the product. We would like a Microtonic RE to be as good as possible, with Patternarium and all. :)

    We might change our minds, but right now we're doing something that is much more fun! Rewriting AUs for 64-bit! :P

  • Funkspace

    Thanks for the reply, Fredrik.

    Very sad to hear that. I will miss seeing Microtonic less. Obviously, moving much of my productivity over to Reason will mean losing a truly beautiful tool. I would almost give up focusing more on Reason because of this, but I know how my brain works and I am choosing to move towards excercising more creativity in Reason purely because other music production apps seem to be moving away from the way my brain functions. But then, I'm probably in a minority in that department. I really hope the situation with Microtonic RE does change eventually (preferably sooner), as I find Microtonic to be very compatible with my personal creative flow and highly expressive. Well, at least you can't take Malstrom away from me! :P

  • Gabe Tompkins

    I'm sure the Propellerheads are not standing still and will evolve the RE SDK to expand its possibilities. Starting a new plugin format from scratch is no small feat and it's impressive how much is already available in such a short time. Remember that it took 3 years before VST plugins could even receive MIDI and 12 years before instruments could accept audio inputs. RE is off to a good start, although I can totally sympathize with the lack of crossgrade freedom for developer's pre-existing customers right now. I hope this gets tweaked in the future.

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